

Kickoff can be installed in multiple ways, choose the one that suits you best.

  1. Installing Kickoff from the latest release
  2. Installing Kickoff from source
  3. Help commands
  4. Next steps

Installing Kickoff from the latest release

This is the recommended way to install Kickoff. Currently only Linux and MacOSX are packaged as binary releases. Check out the releases for all available versions.

Download the latest release binary and make it executable:

$ curl -SsL -o kickoff "$(uname -s)_$(uname -m)"
$ chmod +x kickoff

Move it somewhere into your $PATH, e.g. $GOPATH/bin if you have set that up, or install it globalling into /usr/local/bin (possibly required sudo):

$ mv kickoff $GOPATH/bin/

If everything is correctly setup you should be able to print the Kickoff version:

$ kickoff version

Installing Kickoff from source

You can also build the kickoff binary from source. This assumes that you have make and go installed in a suitable version and that your $GOPATH is setup properly.

First clone the repository and change into it:

$ git clone
$ cd kickoff

Optional: if you want to build a specific version, you should check it out first:

$ git checkout <version>

Refer to the kickoff releases page for available tags.

Build the kickoff binary:

$ make build

Move it somewhere into your path, or run make install to install it to $GOPATH/bin/kickoff.

You can verify that the installation was successful by printing the kickoff version:

$ kickoff version

Help commands

The kickoff CLI comes with detailed examples on each subcommand, so be sure to check them out. Showing the help is a good starting point:

# List of all available commands.
$ kickoff help

# Help for the `project create` subcommand.
$ kickoff project create --help

Next steps

  • Getting started: Initialize the Kickoff configuration and create your first project from a project skeleton.