
Creating project skeletons

In the previous section you learned how project skeletons are structured. With that information at hand you can go ahead and create your own. Just create a new directory below the skeletons directory of your skeleton repository and drop an empty .kickoff.yaml in there.

However, kickoff already provides a command for you that does just that and a little more:

$ kickoff skeleton create default myskeleton

✓ Created new skeleton myskeleton in repository default

You can inspect it by running: kickoff skeleton show default:myskeleton

This will create a new skeleton called myskeleton in the default and seeds it with a documented .kickoff.yaml and an example template to get you started.

You should see the newly created skeleton in the skeleton list now:

$ kickoff skeleton list

Repository  Name
default     default
default     myskeleton

You can also inspect inpect individual skeletons to see what’s in there:

$ kickoff skeleton show myskeleton

Repository  default
Name        myskeleton
Path        ~/kickoff-skeletons/skeletons/myskeleton

Files               Values
myskeleton          null

Next steps

  • Skeleton configuration: Learn more about the skeleton configuration file.
  • Templating: Learn more about .skel templates and the usage of template variables within file and directory names.